What am I thankful for?
I’m thankful for …
- The fact that I am still around
- The little things in life
- My family who have stuck by me and helped me in any way they could over the years
- My strong mother who has faced many hardships but still manages to stay positive
- The many friends and acquaintances I’ve met along the way who had some type of impact on my life be it small, large or in between.
- The opportunities I have been granted education and work-wise over the years.
- My many talents and skills
- Having a roof over my head
- Having food to eat
- Manga
- Anime
- Dramas
- Movies
- Music
- Art
- Astronomy
- Literature
- Math
- Science
- The people who write novels that pull me in
- My five senses
- Charities
- Philanthropists
- Good Samaritans
- Dogs (they are loyal companions when you treat them well)
- Life on Earth
- Knowledge
- Trees
- The ocean
- Having conscious thought
- Critical thinking
For the big and little things in life and everything in between I am thankful. I learn and grow from the disappointments and appreciate the good things that happen.
What are you thankful for?